Loose parts is the main theme for the school this summer. We invited a loose parts
expert to show the kids how common objects can be used with water. The children
were able to create something that could be put in the water and for them to discover
what would happen to their creation. They used tubes of different sizes and materials in
water, bottle caps, paper, and packaging materials. As the children spent more time with these
materials they got more creative and wet!
Fishing for bottle caps. |
Making a boat out of paper. |
Catching bottle caps in an ice cube tray. |
Blowing through the tubes. |
Using a baster to move water through a plastic tube. |
Will it float? |
Approaches Toward Learning: Initiative and Curiosity; Planning, Action and Reflection; Creativity; Expression of Ideas through the Arts
Science: Science Inquiry and Application; Cause and Effect; Physical Science
Cognitive Skills: Reasoning and Problem-Solving
Geometry: Spatial Relationships