Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Math moments

The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, 'The children are now working as if I did not exist.'

Math is fun in preschool...whether you are outside writing numbers for the "hopscotch" game or counting buttons for the snowman!

What's the date again?
Two of the Pre-Kindergarten work together to put the numbers on the calendar in sequential order.
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense

Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Standard: Count to 20 by ones with increasing 
Identify and name numerals 1-9.

Domain: Social and Emotional Development
Strand: Relationships
Topic:   Peer Interactions and Relationships
Standard: Demonstrate socially competent 

behavior with peers.

 After observing his older peers,  a preschool child creates his own numerical sequence.
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense

Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Standard: Count to 20 by ones with increasing 
Identify and name numerals 1-9.
Domain: Approaches to Learning
Strand:   Initiative
Topic: Planning, Action and Reflection 
Standard: Develop, initiate and carry out 
simple plans to obtain a goal.
Use prior knowledge and 
information to assess, inform, and 
plan for future learning

Olaf would be very excited to know his fellow snowmen now have buttons.

Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense
Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Standard: Count to 20 by ones with increasing 
Identify and name numerals 1-9.
Identify without counting small 
quantities of up to 3 items. (Subitize)
Demonstrate one-to-one correspondence when counting

Take your "math work" outside week!
After Ms. Sara wrote the numbers we stated, we worked on identifying the numbers as we hopped and skipped (and ran) our way down the hopscotch line. One of our kindergartners copied the numbers to create an additional hopscotch area for people to use "while they're waiting". 

Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense
Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Standard: Count to 20 by ones with increasing 
Identify and name numerals 1-9.

Domain: Approaches to Learning
Strand: Initiative
Topic: Planning, Action and Reflection 

Develop, initiate and carry out 
simple plans to obtain a goal.
Use prior knowledge and 
information to assess, inform, and 
plan for future actions and 

Domain: Physical Well-being and Motor Development
Strand: Strand: Motor Development

Topic: Large Muscle, Balance and Coordination
Standard: Demonstrate locomotor skills with 
control, coordination and balance 
during active play (e.g., running, 
hopping, skipping). 

A preschool child checks out the numbers his classmates drew in the afternoon.

We then picked a card from a set of numerals 1-20 and then wrote the numerals ourselves!
Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge
Sub-domain: Mathematics
Strand: Number Sense
Topic: Number Sense and Counting
Standard: Count to 20 by ones with increasing 
Identify and name numerals 1-9.

Domain: Physical Well-being and Motor Development
Strand: Motor Development
Topic: Small Muscle: Touch Grasp, Reach, Manipulate
Standard: Coordinate the use of hands, 
fingers and wrists to manipulate 
objects and perform tasks 
requiring precise movements.

For additional resources on how to integrate mathematics in everyday play and conversations: 

For further reading on mathematics in early childhood: http://www.highscope.org/file/EducationalPrograms/EarlyChildhood/EarlyMath.pdf

Books can help reinforce mathematical concepts as well. Ask the children's librarian at your local library for their suggestions. Some of our favorites have included Mouse Count by Ellen Stoll Walsh and 20 Big Trucks in the Middle of the Street by Mark Lee.